
Rank Structure

The ranks available in Gestiguiste provide a framework whereby more devoted and skilled members gain increased responsibility to the unit, along with an increased rank. The diagram below depicts the paths from rank to rank, followed by an explanation of each rank and role. There are two leadership roles, which are equivalent to their corresponding base rank: Captain is the leadership role for Knight and Commander is the leadership role for Juggernaut. Members may choose to move between leadership and non-leadership roles, Knight – Captain, Juggernaut – Commander, based on their participation and service to the unit. 

At any given time during combat, the fighters on the field need to know who is in command. The command order is as follows: General, Commander, Captain, Juggernaut, Knight, Sentinel, Belatore and Soak. Though a Juggernaut is a higher rank then a Captain, the Captain is in a leadership role and the Juggernaut is not. Therefore, during combat, the Captain is in command.

Policy Regarding SoakS

Having new members serve as “Soaks” for their first few battles has been a long-standing tradition in Gestiguiste. It is usually a light-hearted thing to have a Soak carry extra gear or make an extra trip to the field or parking area. 

Non-fighters and non-members are not Soaks or even “Pre-Soaks”. Soaks only serve as Soaks at combat oriented Gestiguiste events, from event start to event end. Only active, fighting members of Gestiguiste may make a direct request of a Soak. Always politely request that Soaks perform tasks. Soaks should never be asked to do any task you aren’t willing to do yourself. If you are walking to/from the field and are burdened, it’s OK to ask a Soak to carry some equipment. It’s also OK to ask a Soak to make an extra trip. If something needs to be carried/retrieved/whatever, it’s OK to ask a Soak to perform that task. If teams need to be evened up and we need to give up a few members, it’s OK to have the Soaks fight for the other team. 

If you are a Soak and you cannot perform a requested task, say so. Try to resolve the issue with the requestor. If you are a Soak and you feel that you aren’t being treated fairly, inform a General. If you make a reasonable, polite request to a Soak and they do not perform the requested task, inform a General of the situation. Always keep in mind that our Soaks are our friends and family, they are the future of Gestiguiste. They should always be treated with respect. 


To become a Soak / Recruit, refer to the Join GTG page.

The rank of Belatore is available for fighting and non-fighting members. Upon attaining the rank of Belatore, you become a voting member of Gestiguiste.

Combat Members: After serving as a Soak for three events, at the beginning of your fourth event, you will be promoted to Belatore. If Ragnarok is your first event, you will be promoted on Saturday morning at Rag. During the promotion ceremony, you will receive a Belatore tabard and sash.

Non-Combat Members: After providing a service as a Recruit during three separate events, you may be promoted to Belatore at the beginning of your fourth event. If Rag is your first event and you meet all the requirements, you will be promoted on Saturday morning at Rag. During the promotion ceremony, you will receive a Belatore sash.

To become a Sentinel, you must have served as a Belatore for three events, and meet additional requirements detailed in the handbook. There is an acknowledgement of achieving the rank at the first event after you meet all the requirements and you may add your first dot to your sash.

To become a Knight, you must have served as a Sentinel for six events, and meet additional requirements detailed in the handbook. You will receive a knighting ceremony after you meet all the requirements and you may add a second dot to your sash.

To earn the title of Captain, you must be an active Knight and meet all requirements to become a Captain. This is the first leadership role in Gestiguiste.

To become a Juggernaut, you must have served as a Knight and/or Captain for nine events, and meet additional requirements detailed in the handbook. You will receive a Juggernaut ceremony (including optional feast) after you meet all the requirements and you may add your third dot to your sash.

To earn the title of Commander, you must be an active Juggernaut and meet all requirements to become a Commander. This is the second leadership role in Gestiguiste.

To earn the rank of General, you must be an active Commander and meet all requirements to become a General. This is the third leadership role in Gestiguiste. Gestiguiste is designed to have two generals at any given time. There may be one for a period of time and there should never be three, though it is theoretically possible.